Hi, Susan,

Welcome to Samza!

First I will try to answer your question about partition assignment in
Samza. The assignment from stream partition to Samza tasks is determined by
the SystemStreamPartitionGrouper. The default implementation include two
assignment methods: 1 task per system stream partition, and 1 task per
partition. Example:  your have 2 streams (e.g. 2 Kafka topics), each has 2
partitions: s0.{p0,p1} and s1.{p0,p1}. In 1 task per system stream
partition assignment, you will have 4 tasks corresponding to the following
4 system stream partitions: {s0.p0, s0.p1, s1.p0, s1.p1}; in 1 task per
partition assignment, you will have 2 tasks with the following partition
groups: {(s0.p0, s1.p0), (s0.p1, s1.p1)}.

In your example, if your messages are partitioned by client ID, the
messages w/ the same client ID will be in the single partition. If you
follow Naveen's suggestion, each system stream partition will be assigned
to a dedicated Samza task, no matter whether you choose to have 10K topic
or 10K partitions. Note that if you choose the 1 topic w/ 10K partition,
whether clientID A and clientID B are handled by the same Samza task or not
depends on whether clientID A and B are partitioned in two different Kafka
partitions or not.

As for Kafka performance, if you choose to use 10K topics, you will need to
be careful about ZooKeeper capacity, since the number of watches on the
znodes is a lot.

Lastly, one comment on your use case: why 10K partitions? If you only want
to have per clientID state in your stream processing, you can have 10
partitions each include 1K clientID and your Samza local KV-store can have
states keyed by clientID to satisfy your use case. (I saw Jakob has the
same comments when I am typing. :) )



On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 3:29 PM, Susan Luong <susan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi there, I'm new to Samza/Kafka and we're evaluating Samza to see whether
> it would be a good fit for our application. I just had a few questions
> about how partitioning works.
> I understand there is a limitation on the number of topics we can create
> [1], and I was wondering, if we need more than, say 10K topics, would it be
> a better idea to use partitioning instead? or would the same limits apply?
> i.e. would having 1 topic with 10k partitions produce the same performance
> issues as having 10k topics with 1 partition each?
> If we can overcome the topics limitation by creating more partitions, we'd
> like to be able to divide up our stream messages by client ID. is it
> possible to group partitions so that we have a set of partitions that
> contain data from a certain client and another set of partitions for
> another client, within the same topic?
> For example, we might have a stream partition 'A' (for clientID A) and a
> corresponding task 'a' that processes messages from partition 'A', and a
> partition B (for client B) and a corresponding task, 'b' that processes
> messages from stream partition 'B'. Our problem though, is that, we'd like
> for task 'a' to only process messages from stream A and never from stream
> B, since task 'a' may contain local state that applies specifically to
> stream A. Would this be possible?
> Maybe I'm not understanding how Samza works, but I'm hoping someone can
> help me clarify. Thanks in advance for your help.
> Susan
> [1]
> http://grokbase.com/t/kafka/users/133v60ng6v/limit-on-number-of-kafka-topic

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