Hi everyone,

We would like to invite you to a Stream Processing Meetup at LinkedIn’s
Sunnyvale campus on Thursday, February 16 at 6pm.

Please RSVP here (if you intend to attend in person):

We have the following agenda scheduled:


   6PM: Doors open

   6-6:35PM: Networking & Welcome

   6:35-7:10 PM: Asynchronous Processing and Multithreading in Apache
Samza (Xinyu
   Liu, LinkedIn)

   7:15-7:50PM: SSD Benchmarks for Apache Kafka (Mingmin Chen, Uber)

   7:55-8:30 PM: Batching to Streaming Analytics at Optimizely (Vignesh
   Sukumar, Optimizely)

Hope to see you there!

Navina R.

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