Samza has configurations for the replication factors used to create various
topics. Here is how to set each one:

task.checkpoint.replication.factor ->
-> 3

Which means, if "task.checkpoint.replication.factor" is configured, it is
used. Else if systems.<kafka-system> is
configured, it is used. Else use a default of 3.

job.coordinator.replication.factor ->
-> 3

stores.<store-name>.changelog.replication.factor ->
-> systems.<kafka-system> -> 2

*Intermediate streams *(for partitionBy operator in the high-level API)
systems.<kafka-system> -> 3

None of them default to 1 replica, so I'm not sure why you're seeing only
1. Does your job have any of the above properties set?

What version of Samza is being used?


On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 4:35 AM, QiShu <> wrote:

> Hi,
>        Coordinator and checkpoint topic will be created automatically by
> Samza when a task started, but these 2 topics only have one replica, how
> can I set the num of replicas?
>        Thanks.
> ————————
> QiShu

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