Hey all,

We have an app that's been running on v0.14.1 for the last few years, and
we're trying to drag it forward into the present with v1.5.1. I've tried a
few different approaches at updating it, including creating a
TaskApplication via the low-level API and also following the "Legacy
Applications" deploy instructions. Thus far, the legacy approach seems most
promising, but the application isn't fully starting up. It _seems_ to be an
issue with creating the JobModel; although there are no explicit errors, I
do see these log messages:

INFO [org.apache.samza.zk.ZkJobCoordinator] Got a notification for new
JobModel version. Path = ..
INFO [org.apache.samza.zk.ZkJobCoordinator]
pid=a3e86ddf-8d18-40c9-8063-1efd588cec56: new JobModel is available.
Version =9; JobModel = JobModel [..]
INFO [org.apache.samza.zk.ZkJobCoordinator] New JobModel does not contain
pid=a3e86ddf-8d18-40c9-8063-1efd588cec56. Stopping this processor. New
JobModel: JobModel [..]

At this point the ThreadJob shuts down cleanly. Afaict, the legacy
configuration is set up correctly, and mirrors our functional build under
0.14.1. Any thoughts?

Malcolm McFarland

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