
I am currently trying to execute my Beam Pipelines using the Samza Runner. I am using processing time triggers for calculating early results for my larger windows. However i am getting the following error: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: class org.apache.beam.runners.samza.SamzaRunner currently only supports event time. Looking at the capability matrix of Beam(https://beam.apache.org/documentation/runners/capability-matrix/), it looks like processing time should be supported. I could not find a documentation, for the exact supported features for the different runner versions. I am using the version 2.22.0 for the Samza Runner but also tried 2.25.0 and got the same error. When i tried to upgrade to 2.27.0 I got the following error: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: BundleFinalizer unsupported in Samza. This happens whenever i use KafkaIO to read from Kafka. Even when i tried a Pipeline that did nothing except reading from Kafka.

The trigger that caused the exception is the following: .

Running the pipeline with the Direct Runner worked fine. Which version is the latest stable version of the Samza Runner and does it support processing time triggers?

With many thanks,


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