On 12/02/2015 03:43 PM, Simon Josefsson wrote:
On 12/2/15, 9:29 AM, "Simon Josefsson" <si...@josefsson.org> wrote:

Hi.  I have prepared a writeup on how to add the EdDSA Ed25519/Ed448
public-key digital signature algorithm to XMLDSIG.


Are you interested in implementing this?  If so, your feedback on the
description is appreciated.  If there is interest among XMLDSIG
implementers, I would turn this into a proper IETF draft.

Hi Simon,

Speaking as the C++ maintainer, it's pretty much dependent on OpenSSL
support (and my ability to figure out how to make use of it without
screwing it up, given that OpenSSL is largely undocumented).

Hi.  Thanks.  I'm sure people are working on it, but I opened an issue
to track this: https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/487

Speaking as a consumer of the Java code, does Java actually support
this algorithm? I didn't see any sign it did. I don't think there's
any actual crypto in the current library, it's JCE-reliant. Colm can
correct me.

How would one go about specifying support for a new algorithm like
EdDSA in Java?  I've seen that people have been thinking about adding
it to Bouncycastle, but I assume you would really want to have it be
part of JCE.

We typically don't include an implementation of a new crypto algorithm in the JDK unless it is a standard and has gained enough industry traction or support from the community to justify inclusion.

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the EdDSA algorithm so don't really have much more to say on your proposal.


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