Alexandro Colorado wrote:
Is it possible to make a live spreadsheet, meaning that the content of the cells are provided by a live XML feed from an APi. The idea is to have stock charts/currency exchange/ and/or pricing of products directly inserted into a Calc spreadsheet and users can add calculation to this live objects such as graph a yield or update their price to their local currency automatically.

Internet -- XML Feed --- OOoMacro -- Live Spread Sheet

My first question will be if the XML can be register as a DataSource, which protocol to use so OOo can identify it as a datasource, second will be how to use the XML parser that OOo includes (SAX?) from the Macro API and finally can this connection be mantain as permanent or should it be required every x seconds.

You can make an XSLT transformation from your source format to OpenDocument spreadsheet format, and then use "Insert / Link to External Data" to create a link into a spreadsheet. The source file can be at an http location. Update of the data can't be triggered from the outside, but you can specify an interval at which the link is refreshed.

Or you can write a component that uses any means to parse the data and get notified of updates, and implements an add-in function with volatile results to get the value into the spreadsheet. See the service description of for details on this.

You could also write a database driver, but for use in spreadsheets, this doesn't seem to add any advantage.


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