Leonard Mada wrote:
I entered in column B(1): "=A1 + 1", that is I added the value "1" for every element in column A. That said, data values in columns A and B should be totally correlated. The NIST accepts a value of -0.999, but:

They don't "accept" a value of -0.999 instead of 1, they just calculated something different (autocorrelation).

- Calc gives only a value of -0.882.
- R gives an absolute precise value of +1 (it reports positive values ) both with the cor(x,y) function and with the cor.test(x, y) function

Not even the slightest deviation from this value. This should be definitely improved in Calc.

NOTE: sorting the values in Calc, breaks CORREL() [it gives an #VALUE error, NO idea why]. Well, if I pair the non-ordered data in A with an ordered (A+1), I see a very strange result: CORREL() gives -1.01, BUT this coefficient CAN BE only between -1 and +1!!! SOME SERIOUS ERROR.

I will try to make more tests during the weekend.

I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve here. A single look at the source would show you how CORREL is implemented using sums and square sums, which limits the values for which it works. There's no need for more example guesswork.


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