On 09/27/08 20:06, Regina Henschel wrote:
In the ODFF draft spec of CHISQDIST is a constraint for the parameter 'degrees of freedom' to be integer.

Shouldn't the argument type be "integer" instead?

Should I implement it:
(1) break with an "illegal argument" error, if the value is not an integer
(2) round the value to an integer.

The current implementation of the complement function CHIDIST rounds the incoming value, but the spec has the same constraint for LEGACY.CHIDIST.

I would prefer version (2) to make it consistent with existing CHIDIST. And changing CHIDIST too, I consider to dangerous, because existing documents might no longer work.

Yes, for the implementation, let's stay consistent with the other functions, that is, truncate (not round) the value.

The current implementations of CHIDIST and CHIINV have a constraint 'degrees of freedom < 1.0E5'. The spec don't have such restriction nor mention that they might be necessary. The code has no comment, why this constraint has been introduced. Can you tell me? Huge values might overflow oder underflow somewhere, but is that reason enough to reject them from the beginning?

The old implementation (before issue 90703) looks like it couldn't handle large values. If you're confident that the current implementation is better, I think that constraint can be removed.


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