Hello Eike,

I sent an e-mail to Chris Schlaeger. I don't have a response yet, and working with TaskJuggler on Windows under Cygwin is much too painful (NO GUI), so it seems I'll have to pass this up.



Eike Rathke wrote:
Hi Leonard,

On Friday, 2008-10-10 22:19:04 +0200, Leonard Mada wrote:

I made some changes to the following page, basically changing the background-color for alternating rows:

It surely looks better and easier readable than before.

However, I noticed the explanatory text: *do not edit as your changes would get overwritten*.

Yes, they will.

Can this table-style be implemented somewhere upstream?

As the page mentions it is generated from TaskJuggler via Html2Wiki, if
you find a way to hook in let me know. TJ2 does not provide means,
AFAIK, only TJ3 will.


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