Hi Regina,

On Wednesday, 2009-08-05 16:06:45 +0200, Regina Henschel wrote:

> I'am currently looking at issue 102957 "ODFF: FLOOR and CEILING should  
> work with a single argument."
> Now OOo allows CEILING(N;Significance;Mode) and CEILING(N;Significance).  
>  I have made some changes to allow CEILING(N) too. Thereby I noticed the 
> following problem:
> OOo allows CEILING(N;;Mode) where the second parameter is missing. It  
> does this already in version OOo2.4.2

Presumably for Excel interoperability because there the functions have
only 2 parameters, but Excel allows CEILING(value,) and during import we
have to add the 3rd parameter to indicate the mode.

> But that is not allowed in spec (chapter 6.16.1).

We'll have to change the spec for interoperability, I created issue

> Unfortunately I can not do anything in ScCeil, because  
> in this case nParamCount is already 3 and it seems that the missing  
> parameter is set to 0. Besides the fact, that a missing second parameter  
> is not allowed, the default for the second parameter has to be +1 or -1  
> depending on the sign of N.

After the 3rd argument was popped from the stack you can check with
IsMissing() whether the 2nd argument is of type svMissing, then pop the
value with GetDouble() as usual, and after having obtained the 1st
argument change the value of the 2nd argument accordingly to +1 or -1 if
it was missing.


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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