Thank you for taking leadership on this topic Josh. It s very important.
Your research is enlightening and saves a lot of other people a lot of
time... so again, thank you for that.
In short, my binding VOTE is below.

[+1]  We should change the name, it’s the right thing to do.

On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 6:17 PM Joshua Poore <> wrote:

> I am raising a VOTE to begin the process of changing the Apache SensSoft
> Project name.
> A passing VOTE in favor of changing the Apache SensSoft Project name means
> the following sequence of events will take place:
> 1. We will first enter a nomination period for new names; all community
> members will be allowed to nominate names.
> 2. We will VOTE on a short-list of ranked names following a DISCUSSion
> 3. We will submit this short-list of ranked names to name search process
> as outlined in [1] and [2] to determine their suitability (ensure they are
> clear of trademarks/copyrights and brand confusion)
> 3a. Results and artifacts generated through the name search will be
> documented on JIRA, Confluence.
> 4. We will VOTE amongst the appropriate names to select a new name.
> 5. Once a new name has been selected the project will no longer be named
> “SensSoft”, and we will begin the process of work with INFRA to reflect the
> changes in our repos, etc., and modifying our documentation to reflect this
> change (e.g., Wiki, Website).
> Justification for the name change can be found below the VOTE categories,
> please read this before VOTING:
> The VOTE is open for *one week* to allow committers and community members
> that represent institutions with a stake in Apache SensSoft a chance to
> discuss this issue with institutions that rely on our technology. The VOTE
> will close at 20:00, TUES OCT 9th.
> [+1] We should change the name, it’s the right thing to do.
> [ 0 ] I think we should discuss internally and fully explore our options
> with the Apache Incubator before we consider this. (note your reasons)
> [-1] I think our name is our identity, we should not change it.  (note
> your reasons)
> ——————— JUSTIFICATION————————
> The reasons why I am raising this as an issue to VOTE are follows:
> The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. (Draper), has notified me in
> personal correspondence that Apache SensSoft, infringes on their trademark
> for "Software as a Sensor” [3] (which is referenced in various parts of our
> documentation with appropriate markings). This correspondence was prompted
> when I referenced Apache SensSoft in an email signature at a different
> employer. The initial software gift (from Draper) that established the
> Apache SensSoft project (incubating), was gifted under this name. However,
> Draper’s disposition has changed as many of our original Draper committers
> have taken other employment. The relevant, verbatim text from Draper legal
> copied in my correspondence with Brent Appleby, Director of Draper’s
> Algorithms & Software Directorate can be found in our Sept 18 polling
> report [4].
> Draper’s Trademark is for “Software as a Sensor”, however, “SensSoft” and
> “SENSSOFT” are not protected marks (verified at [5] and [6], also note
> “SENSOFT” [7], which is cited in Draper’s correspondence [4]). So, why
> would we change the name?
> 1. In order to grow our community, our community members must be able to
> bring visibility to Apache SensSoft and evangelize it. Accusations or
> allusions of infringement are a strong disincentive to evangelizing our
> work.
> 2. In order to keep our code relevant, cross-functional, and open, we must
> be independent of any particular company or institution’s interests, else
> it is a strong disincentive for other company’s to build their own products
> from our work. As such, we cannot honor Draper’s wishes to reference them
> as the Trademark holders of “Software as a Sensor” every time we reference
> Apache SensSoft.
> 3. In order to maintain the viability of Apache SensSoft as an Apache
> Software Foundation (Incubator) product, institutions must be able to use,
> distribute, modify, and package our code into their own proprietary,
> branded products under the Apache License terms. This is as true for Draper
> as it is any other company. Draper committers have committed much of Apache
> SensSoft’s code (Draper is a part of our community), and they should be
> able to protect their proprietary interests and brands. Bringing in Apache
> Legal might disincentivize Draper’s continued involvement, as well as the
> involvement of other companies.
> 4. At the moment, I do not believe our project name to be so essential to
> our brand that our project cannot survive a name change.
> 5. As we have VOTED to graduate the project and are moving in that
> direction (see April 2018 VOTE on dev@), now is a good time to evaluate
> our project name (the formal name search process is mandatory for
> graduation).
> ——————— REFERENCES————————
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> <$LD&expr=PARA1+AND+PARA2&p_s_PARA2=SensSoft&p_tagrepl~:=PARA2$COMB&p_op_ALL=AND&a_default=search&a_search=Submit+Query&a_search=Submit+Query>
> [6]
> <$LD&expr=PARA1+AND+PARA2&p_s_PARA2=SENSSOFT&p_tagrepl~:=PARA2$COMB&p_op_ALL=AND&a_default=search&a_search=Submit+Query&a_search=Submit+Query>
> [7]


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