Hi Bo,

It's a good feature to support user to change the configuration dynamically
from a configure server.
Please let us know your research result and made a proposal in the

Willem Jiang

Blog: http://willemjiang.blogspot.com (English)
          http://jnn.iteye.com  (Chinese)
Twitter: willemjiang
Weibo: 姜宁willem

On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 7:58 PM, 李波 <listat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We plan to enable dynamic configuration in Java Chassis, After that,
> configurations can be changed dynamically without restarting the services
> any more.
> To do that, we need following steps:
>    - Implement an adapter layer for the configuration server to communicate
>    with Java Chassis(dynamic configuration based on archaius).
>    - A user friendly CLI/UI to manage configurations at runtime
>    - An event store to record users' operations
> Before that, some researches are needed:
>    - How do other frameworks support dynamic configurations? CSE?
>    - Which configuration server to choose? Apollo or Disconf?
> Best Regards,
> Bo Li

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