Hi ASF Marketing & Publicity,

In order to promote ServiceComb and its community, ServiceComb are planning
to hold a mini meetup as a Co-located Event in LC3 2018 Asia.

The Proposal for holding the mini meetup have been approved with the PMCs
of ServiceComb [1] .

I have gone through the docs of  Approval of small Apache-related events[2]
and  Apache branding rules[3], this mail is to describe some details of the
planning event and ask for using the name logo of Apache
ServiceComb(incubating) in the event. Further advices are welcomed.

Some details of the idea/plan,
1. Name of the event: Apache ServiceComb(incubating) Meetup
Hosted/Presented by Huawei  PaaS
2. Event organizer: PMCs of ServiceComb project
3. Estimated attendees: 60~100
4. Where/When/How: As a Co-located Event in LC3 Asia, June 25-27, 2018,
China National Convention Center, Beijing, China
5. Possible topics: user pratices/technologies/ecosystem sharing

We are requsting two permissions,
1. Use the name of "Apache ServiceComb Incubating Meetup Hosted/Supported
by Huawei PaaS"
2. Use the "Powered By" Apache Incubator logo of ServiceComb.

[1] https://www.mail-archive.com/dev@servicecomb.apache.org/msg03298.html
[2] http://community.apache.org/events/small-events.html
[3] http://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/events.html

Thanks very much,

Zen Lin

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