I think Spring changed getForObject to return a value regardless the error 
code(http status)  is correct because RestTemplate do not have enough 
information to guess the provider 
which code is successful, e.g. 201, 400, 500 or other. And when developers want 
to express 400 for error, they should use getForEntity.

For ServiceComb customized RestTemplate implementation this problem not exists. 
Because we have API definition to explicitly show which error code is 
successful, either use
swagger or @ApiResponse .

This is a compatible issue of spring, I think we can upgrade this version 
following spring conventions. 

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "??????"<yangyong.zh...@qq.com>;
????????: 2018??4??24??(??????) ????4:01
??????: "dev"<dev@servicecomb.apache.org>;

????:  [Discussion][Spring & Spring Boot version upgrade]Behavior of Consumer 
using RestTemplate had changed 

Hi everyone:
   The version of Spring & Spring Boot in ServiceComb java chassis are 
4.3.5.RELEASE and 1.4.5.RELEASE, seems a little behind, we may upgrade them.
Spring Boot and Spring Version correlation :
    Spring Boot Version Spring Version
   1.5.8.RELEASE 4.3.12.RELEASE
  1.5.9.RELEASE 4.3.13.RELEASE
  1.5.10.RELEASE 4.3.14.RELEASE
  1.5.11.RELEASE 4.3.15.RELEASE
  1.5.12.RELEASE 4.3.16.RELEASE

   I found if consumer use the RestTemplate make a invocation to our producer 
and producer throw an unhande exception, http code with 590 [Cse Internal 
Server Error] will be return to consumer side, but the Behavior of RestTemplate 
getForObject or postForObject in different version of Spring is also not the 
same, for example:
 String result = 
 * In 4.3.12.RELEASE still throw UnknownHttpStatusCodeException, same as 
current (4.3.5.RELEASE) ; 
* In 4.3.13.RELEASE and 4.3.14.RELEASE change to throw 
org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException ;
* In 4.3.15.RELEASE and 4.3.16.RELEASE won't throw any Exception and direct 
return {"message":"Cse Internal Server Error"} .
   So if we update the Spring version to 4.3.12.RELEASE above,user may get into 
trouble when upgrade 1.0.0-m2, but 4.3.16.RELEASE had fix some bugs and may 
better in security.
Any other ideas or suggestions are welcome !
 Yangyong Zheng
Best Regards !
consumer code is here : 
 in ensureServerBlowsUp Funcation
Example producer will throw RuntimeException,code is here : 

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