
that's interesting but maybe it's worth to have more generic that can
support K8 or other options (etcd, DNS, ...).

My $0.01


On 25/05/2018 03:51, Lance Ju wrote:
> Hi, gang!
>     I'm recently considering migrate my ServiceComb project into
> Kubernetes. To minimize the complexity, I just first try the go-bmi project(
> https://github.com/ServiceComb-samples/go-bmi), which contains only 2
> services: the web-app service, which calls the calculator service.
>     To let the web-app service know how to access calculator service, there
> is an --advertiseAddress parameter in calculator's chassis.yaml, which is '
>' by default in the local machine. But for k8s cluster,
> services are usually accessed by DNS(commonly the service name plus the
> namespace), but the go-chassis SDK would only allow CIDR format IP address
> for the --advertiseAddress, then the calculator service cannot be
> registered in the service center.
>     So I got 2 questions:
>     1. Does it make sense to allow only CIDR IP addresses when
> registering services? Since the service center only store the 'accessible
> address', which might also be a domain name or IPv6 address(or even Unix
> socket under some particular situation).
>     2. If I'm running ServiceComb projects under bare metals or VMs, should
> I first know which address of the current service, then config it in
> chassis.yaml? Or is it possible to let the chassis detect the address,
> automatically?
>     Looking forward to your replies.

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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