Yeah, it's great that we can host this kind of meeting here.
If there is no other objection,  let's start the vote for this meetup.

Willem Jiang

Twitter: willemjiang
Weibo: 姜宁willem

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 4:09 PM, Zen Lin <>

> This is a Proposal for holding a Co-Located Event in HC 2018[1] to help
> building ServiceComb's community.
> HC 2018 is a conference hosted by Huawei, have nearly 1000 summits and
> forums, and more than 2000+ developers will join it.
> My suggestion is to hold a Meetup named "Apache ServiceComb (incubating)
> Meetup", to share technologies and user cases of ServiceComb.We are also
> inviting Roman and J M to join the meetup to have speech about ASF on the
> meetup.
> I have already talked to Huawei to get free resources for the meetup.
> I would like to listen your suggestions from you guys, If agreed, I am
> goting to start a vote thread with detail event plan and brand request for
> it.
> [1]
> hwdc&ic_source=ebg_event_EEBGHQ189103S&source=ebgevent
> Best Regards,
> ---
> Zen Lin
> Focused on Micro Service and Apache ServiceComb

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