Hello All,

Apache ServiceComb Team is glad to announce the release of Apache
ServiceComb Saga Actuator 0.3.0

Saga is a type of Compensating Transaction pattern, which provides a simple
way to help users solve the data consistency problems encountered in
micro-service applications. Saga actuator (
https://github.com/apache/servicecomb-saga-actuator) provides a centralized
execution engine to delegate the request to the external services to
provide eventual data consistency in Saga way.

Download Links :

Release Notes :

Know more about ServiceComb: http://servicecomb.apache.org/

ServiceComb Usefull Links :
- JIRA : https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SCB
- Mailing lists: dev@servicecomb.apache.org
- Gitter : https://gitter.im/ServiceCombUsers/Saga

On the behalf of ServiceComb Team
Mohammad Asif Siddiqu

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