On 1/12/07, Rahul Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OK, I'll post the proposed text for the announcement early next week
and we can send it out then (by that time the site will have been
updated, artifacts sufficiently mirrored etc.)


OK, we're all set to announce now that Continuum has updated the site
(thanks Wendy).

The proposed text is at the bottom of the email [1], with the blurb
about quality yet unfilled. Since the 1.0.4 release vote wasn't
explicit about "initial" quality, we can either:

(a) Mention the quality is undecided at this point (but will be voted
on down the road)
(b) Mention alpha quality (which may be upgraded later)
(c) Hold a separate initial quality vote before announcing (IMO,
alpha/beta probably appropriate candidates ATM)



[1] Proposed text follows:

The Apache Shale team is pleased to announce the release of Shale
Framework version 1.0.4. The Apache Shale Framework is a set of
loosely coupled services, fundamentally based on JavaServer Faces,
which may be combined as needed to meet particular application

Version 1.0.4 can be downloaded from the following page:



This release includes the following significant new features and changes:

* The Shale framework now contains six new modules, allowing
application developers greater freedom over choosing the bits they
need. The new modules are shale-application, shale-dialog,
shale-dialog-basic, shale-dialog-scxml, shale-validator and
shale-view. See the version 1.0.4 website for documentation on all


* Several outstanding JIRA issues focusing on functional problems
with the implementation of the Dialog feature have been addressed
along with the refactoring in 1.0.4.

* shale-clay has seen numerous improvements to the non-validating
markup parser, template encoding, template namespace support, as well
as JSF 1.2 basic support for Clay managed views and reduced inner
dependencies for Servlet 2.3 compatibility.

* It is now possible to build unit tests, using the shale-test
module, that cater to JSF 1.2 APIs.

Additionally, this version includes a substantial number of bugfixes
and enhancements, full details can be found in the release notes:


Most of the framework APIs are reasonably stable, please see the
following web page for more details:


-Rahul Akolkar
on behalf of the Apache Shale community ( http://shale.apache.org )

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