On 2/12/07, Hermod Opstvedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I updated the Tld2ClayCfg tool in order to support Validators, Converters
and rendererType.

As I mentioned in the issue, there is a problem with getting hold of the
componentType for these. There is the possibility of assuming that the
componentType is the same as the tag-class minus the Tag ending, but I
think that will stick. So if anyone has a bright idea, please shout out.

Could someone also commit the patches to the Clay starter archetype. There
are som bugfixes in there.

I haven't followed all the details of this, but does Clay require some
association between particular converter/validator classes and particular
component classes?  If it does, that doesn't really make sense to me.

For validators, there isn't really any formal linkage between validator
classes and component classes at the JSF level.  It seems to me that we
should not try to enforce such a distinction in Clay either.

For converters, JSF has the concept of converter-for-class ... but it is
visible only in faces-config.xml not in a TLD.  That is because the correct
converter is selected automatically if you have a value binding on the
"value" property, and the JSF runtime can determine the destination type.
This works no matter what view handler is used, so you should be getting it
for free with Clay.

Outside of that, it should be technically possible to configure any
converter on any component that implements ValueHolder, and to configure any
validator on any component that implements EditableValueHolder.



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