> I have successfully tested to comment the second loop: 
> // Second select all remaining instances, which will include 
> annotated 
> // managed beans if Shale Tiger is present 
> /* 
> entries = map.entrySet().iterator(); 
> while (entries.hasNext()) { 
> Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) entries.next(); 
> if (!list.contains(entry.getKey())) { 
> list.add(entry.getKey()); 
> } 
> }*/ 
> Is there any one can try it and plans to release the fix? 

The problem with commenting out this loop is that we might 
break someone else's application.  The second loop forces
the destroy method to be invoked for beans with the @Destroy 
annotation before the response has completed and the faces
context released.

I've been looking at this one off and on.  At first I thought we 
could just invoke the LifecycleListener from the ViewPhaseListener
but we don't have ServletContextEvent there.

Another option might be to add a destroy method to the
ViewControllerCallbacks class.  This utility bean is registered as
a managed bean.  The tiger library overrides the registered bean 
to look for the @Preprocess and @Prerender runtime method
annotations.  The ViewControllerCallbacks2 class would inspect
for the @Destroy annotation or the other interfaces.

We could remove the second loop and modify the first to use the
ViewControllerCallbacks bean.

        // First select all the ViewController and AbstractRequestBean instances

        while (entries.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) entries.next();

What do you think? 

> Can I help you? 
> Thanks in advance 
> Mario 
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