> Hi, 
> My opinion on this subject is that you should take a decision as soon as 
> possible about the templating strategy. 
> Every good framework, as shale, needs a good templating tech. 
> So I think that Shale must decide the strategy: use facelets (and 
> delete tiles integration) or upgrade to Tiles2. But we can not loose 
> more time on this. 
> It is a very important aspect to take care on when choosing a framework. 

I agree and that is why shale clay exists [1].  It has actually been around 
longer than facelets but just didn't gain the same momentum :-(.  You'll be 
happy to hear that JSF 2.0 is working on a templating solution that looks to be 
a clone of facelets.

[1] http://shale.apache.org/shale-clay/index.html
> Esteve 


> -----Mensaje original----- 
> De: Greg Reddin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Enviado el: lunes, 07 de enero de 2008 22:06 
> Para: dev@shale.apache.org 
> Asunto: Re: Proposal: Sundown Shale-Tiles 
> On Jan 4, 2008 8:40 PM, Gregg Leichtman wrote: 
> > 
> > I consider this important, since I use Tiles and I want to and 
> > currently am using JSF 1.2, since it resolves the interweaving problem 
> > among other things. Granted, I could potentially move to Clay, but I 
> > came from Struts and I am familiar with Tiles and it does what I need 
> > it to do, especially the latest version. IHMO the current state of 
> > Tiles support in MyFaces and Shale acts as a barrier to Tiles adoption 
> > under JSF 1.2 which I hope is not intentional. 
> My original intent was to invest effort in getting Tiles to work better 
> with JSF. Then I discovered Facelets and decided my efforts would be 
> largely redundant. I haven't used Clay yet, though I didn't ignore it 
> intentionally, but to me, Facelets does for JSF what Tiles originally 
> did for Struts. That is, it provides an extremely easy-to-use templating 
> and page-building system. Once I got used to Facelets JSP in JSF felt 
> like driving a 1973 Plymouth that gets about 
> 4 mpg gas mileage :-) I do think Tiles could do a lot for JSP in JSF 
> with some TLC, but, again, the work just seems redundant to me. The 
> effort to migrate from Struts-Tiles to Tiles 2 is about the same as 
> learning Facelets. I still love Tiles and I think it has a good future, 
> but the low-hanging fruit has been harvested IMO. 
> Greg 
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