On 3/24/08, Gary VanMatre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >From: "Greg Reddin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  >I'd like to volunteer to be the RM for a 1.0.5 release
>  > if everybody else is on board. I'm not a fast-mover and I'm not sure
>  > what my schedule will be but I would like to do it so I can understand
>  > the process. I'll start by reading up on the release process on the
>  > wiki and we can take it from there.
>  >
>  > Let me know if you have any objections to this direction.
>  >
> +1  I'll help out also.

Whenever you're ready, if you work out a suitable date / weekend for a
release, I'll try to be around as well on email / IM (standard
disclaimers etc.)


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