Hi Eric Poon,

ShardingSphere requires users to configure which tables need to be shard 
If there are no sharding-rule for sharding tables, ShardingSphere will use 
to execute it. So it should not work with dynamic table names for now.


Yi Yang(Sion)
Apache ShardingSphere

At 2019-07-20 05:21:10, "Eric" <etmpoon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I am trying to apply sharding on all tables on the same key column exists
>on all tables. The objective is evenly distribute the records on several
>database instances. For example, even no. records on one server. After
>trying around several hours, seems it's not possible to define database
>sharding strategy bases on table column without table name nor by using
>wildcard table name in yaml. I need it because the tables are dynamically
>generated which I don't know the table names in advance. Please give me
>some hints if someone knows hot to define global database sharding
>strategy on all tables by using a key column?
>Besides, I tried that the engine will randomly route the query to the
>datasources if no sharding rule defined in yaml. Is it possible to
>broadcast the query to all datasources if no sharding rule find? I can't
>use broadcastTables for the same reason which tables are dynamically
>Very appreciate for your help.
>Eric Poon

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