I am agree with Yi Yang, I want to handle the `Clob` conversion.

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On 10/10/2019 15:25,Sion Yang<schoolp...@163.com> wrote:
Hi all the contributors and committers,Recently, some of issues like #2956[1] 
#3017[2] feedback exception when getClob for longVarchar type data.After 
investigation, this problem is be caused by getting value according to the 
metadata.ShardingSphere use `getString` to get LongVarchar type data, and 
return String type, but `getClob` should return Clob type.For fix this problem, 
we need to get value accroding to target type in StreamQueryResult instead of 
metadata type.But for MemoryQueryResult, ShardingSphere need to get value 
before users call getXXX method.

So should we transfer the value to target type in 
ShardingResultSet/EncryptResultSet like `getDate` method do?


Yi Yang(Sion)
Apache ShardingSphere

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