Dear Apache ShardingSphere Incubator Community ,72 hours has passed and the 
vote to Accept ShardingScaling Donation has passed.

7 PPMC member +1 votes:

Willem Jiang (mentor)
Sheng Wu
Zhang Yonglun
Liang Zhang
Juan Pan
Zhao Jun
Chen QingYang

3 community +1 vote:

Ya Li (committer)
sunbufu (committer)
Zonglei Dong

No 0 or -1 votes

Thank you everyone for taking the time to review the proposal and help us. 


Yi Yang(Sion)
Apache ShardingSphere

在 2019-11-16 22:11:53,"Zonglei Dong" <> 写道:
>That sounds great.
>Zonglei Dong
>Apache ShardingSphere
>发件人:&nbsp;"Sion Yang"<;;
>发送时间:&nbsp;2019年11月13日(星期三) 上午9:57
>主题:&nbsp;[VOTE] Accept ShardingScaling Donation ROUND2
>Dear Apache ShardingSphere Incubator Community ,
>With the help and effort of our community, the previous issues were fixed 
>I am glad to invite everyone to start a vote on accepting ShardingScaling into 
>the Apache Incubator as ShardingSphere's sub-project ROUND 2.
>Discussion in ML
>Please accept the ShardingScaling podling into the Apache Incubator.
>The proposal can be found at
>Here is the text of it:
>## Abstract
>ShardingScaling[1] is a simple scaling out component for Apache ShardingSphere 
>It is designed to help users migrate data from origin database to 
>ShardingSphere or scale out&nbsp; ShardingSphere data node more easily.
>It provides ability of migrant data, scaling out data nodes, etc.
>## Proposal
>The goal of this proposal is to bring the existing ShardingScaling codebase 
>and existing developers and community into the Apache Software Foundation 
>(ASF) as ShardingSphere's sub-project.
>This project started in Open Source on Github nearly 2 months.
>ShardingScaling is submitting this proposal to donate it to the Apache 
>ShardingSphere Incubator under the Apache License, Version 2.0, in order to 
>provide a visual management tool for ShardingSphere.
>These artifacts are currently available on GitHub at 
>## Background
>ShardingSphere is an ecosystem of transparent distributed database middleware, 
>focusing on data sharding, distributed transaction and database orchestration. 
>It is also widely adopted by many companies and organizations as a solution to 
>process their massive amounts of data. 
>But users have long lacked an easy-to-use way to migrate their data from 
>origin database when they first started using ShardingSphere.
>Moreover, users have also lacked easy-to-use ways to expand data nodes when 
>they use ShardingSphere for a while.
>So Wen OuYang created a scaling out component for ShardingSphere -- 
>## Current status
>After we pushed ShardingScaling in Github in an open source way, many users 
>and developers have shown strong intentions to this. Yi Yang, ZongLei Dong and 
>ssxlulu have contributed many features and codes.
>Current, ShardingScaling has implemented basic data migration and scaling out 
>data nodes feature.
>## Core developer
>Wen OuYang is an experienced open source developer.
>Yi Yang is an experienced open source developer and ShardingSphere PPMC.
>## Donation source
>Github repo: 
>## Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
>ShardingScaling was opened in Github on 18 Sep 2019. The project major 
>contributors are Wen OuYang, Yi Yang.
>Yi Yang is ShardingSphere's PPMC, ICLA are submitted. 
>Wen OuYang will sign ICLA and become Apache committer if vote be accepted 
>after ShardingScaling is accepted into the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) as 
>ShardingSphere's sub-project. 
>## External Dependencies
>### Apache 2.0 licenses
>- sharding-core-common 4.0.0-RC2: 
>- snakeyaml 1.16: 
>- guava 18.0: 
>- netty-all 4.1.16.Final: 
>- commons-dbcp2 2.7.0: 
>- commons-cli 1.4: 
>- log4j 1.2.17: 
>- gson 2.8.6: [](
>### MIT licenses
>- slf4j-api 1.7.28: 
>- slf4j-log4j12 1.7.28: 
>- lombok 1.18.4: 
>- mockito-core 2.7.21(scope test): 
>- mockito-inline 2.7.21(scope test): 
>### EPL 1.0 licenses
>- junit 4.12(scope test): 
>### BSD License
>- hamcrest-library 1.3(scope test): 
>## Required Resources
>### Git Repositories:
>## Initial Committers
>- KomachiSion, 杨翊, Yi Yang,
>- avalon566, 欧阳文, Wen OuYang 
>- dongzl, 董宗磊, ZongLei Dong
>- ssxlulu
>Yi Yang is already PPMC of ShardingSphere.
>Wen OuYang will become a committer of ShardingSphere if vote be accepted after 
>ZongLei Dong and ssxlulu will be only contributors.
>- [1] 
>- [2] 
>The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until necessary number of
>votes are reached.
>Please vote accordingly:
>&nbsp;[ ] +1 approve
>&nbsp;[ ] +0 no opinion
>&nbsp;[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason
>Yi Yang(Sion)
>Apache ShardingSphere

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