
I have checked the following items.

Checklist for reference:
[v] Download links are valid.
[v] Checksums and PGP signatures are valid.
[v] DISCLAIMER is included.
[v] Source code artifacts have correct names matching the current release.

Haisheng Sun (sunbufu)
Apache ShardingSphere

On 12/31/2019 11:16,Sion Yang<schoolp...@163.com> wrote:

I checked the LICENSE, NOTICE, Checksums, PGP signatures and installing source 

No problem happened.


Yi Yang(Sion)
Apache ShardingSphere

At 2019-12-30 21:43:37, "zhangli...@apache.org" <zhangli...@apache.org> wrote:
Hello ShardingSphere Community,

This is a call for vote to release Apache ShardingSphere (Incubating)
version 4.0.0

Release notes:

The release candidates:

Maven 2 staging repository:

Git tag for the release:

Release Commit ID:

Keys to verify the Release Candidate:

Look at here for how to verify this release candidate:

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until necessary number of
votes are reached.

Please vote accordingly:

[ ] +1 approve

[ ] +0 no opinion

[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason

Checklist for reference:

[ ] Download links are valid.

[ ] Checksums and PGP signatures are valid.

[ ] DISCLAIMER is included.

[ ] Source code artifacts have correct names matching the current release.

[ ] LICENSE and NOTICE files are correct for each ShardingSphere repo.

[ ] All files have license headers if necessary.

[ ] No compiled archives bundled in source archive.


Liang Zhang (John)
Apache ShardingSphere & Dubbo

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