Hi, community.
    I think another choice is that separate shardingsphere-ui to an independent 
project and let some contributors who are insterested of it move it on.
    How about it, guys?


Kimm King(kimmk...@apache.org/kimmk...@163.com)
Apache Dubbo&ShardingSphere PMC Member
github&twitter: kimmking

At 2021-10-01 23:29:11, "zhangli...@apache.org" <zhangli...@apache.org> wrote:
>Hi team,
>The ShardingSphere-UI is not required component.
>In new version of ShardingSphere 5.x, there are new feature - DistSQL which
>can instead of the ShardingSphere-UI to help user operate ShardingSphere
>more friendly, just like operate the native database.
>How about remove ShardingSphere-UI and focus the kernel of ShardingSphere
>in the community?
>Liang Zhang (John)
>Apache ShardingSphere

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