Please note that when you send mail to dev@shenyu it becomes public
immediately.  This is not the correct way to report a security issue.
Please see for the correct way to report
possible security issues.

Regards, Mark

On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 9:20 AM gregory draperi <>

> Dear Developers of Apache Shenyu,
> I am reaching you as I was reviewing your application and there is a
> password leakage in the application.
> It means that when a user will request the following URL
> "dashboardUser?currentPage=1&pageSize=12", the response will disclose all
> the passswords of the users.
> [image: image.png]
> It is not critical as you need to be authenticated but still it is a bad
> practice.
> I have attached a Python script to reproduce the issue. You need to set
> the information (host, username & password) use it.
> Feel free to reach me should you have questions.
> Regards,
> Gregory
> --
> Grégory Draperi

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