What method are you using to create the gadget on the page.  Generally
you'll have an iframe with an explicit width or it will be set by the
enclosing div.  More info is needed to help you out..

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 1:34 AM, VU, Thi Thu Thuy

> Hello,
> I really want to change the width of the container of SHINDIG.
> But I don't know how to do. I can only display a container with 308px
> width.  So, the appearance of my gadget is very  ugly, and this container
> hides many information from my gadget.
> I've already tested css by firebug, but I didn't find any information to
> help me :(
> So, could you give me some explanation, pls?
> Thank you so much.
> Have a nice day.

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