I've never seen validation of container IDs. I've also never seen a
container ID that wasn't a single alphanumeric word.  It's not as if the
container ID format is spec'd.

Do you have use cases for more complex container IDs?

- Stanton
On Dec 15, 2013 7:40 PM, "Ryan Baxter" <rbaxte...@apache.org> wrote:

> Does anyone know if Shindig is doing any validation of container IDs?
> There are two problems I have noticed.
> 1.  Container IDs cannot have colons ":" in them.  This causes errors
> in the authentication filter which I think is having trouble parsing
> the parts of the security token because it is using a colon as a
> separator.  Having additional colons causes errors in the AuthFilter.
> 2.  Container IDs need to be safe enough to be placed within a URL.
> Specifically in DefaultServiceFetcher.retrieveServices we create a
> security token which typically takes the form container:encodedToken.
> If the container id has a space in it for example this will cause
> Uri.parse to throw an exception.  There may be other places like this
> in the code, I have't looked.
> For #1 I think we should be validating there are no colons in the IDs
> and throwing an exception when a container with a colon is
> contributed.
> For #2 we could encode the ST part of the URL, but I am not sure if
> that could cause problems with the ST itself, I don't think it should
> though.
> Anyone have any thoughts on this?
> -Ryan

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