If anyone wants to submit something on Shindig for ApacheCon you have
to do that by the end of the week.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nick Burch <n...@apache.org>
Date: Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 2:56 AM
Subject: Re: ApacheCon CFP stats, and lease help get the word out
To: "d...@community.apache.org" <d...@community.apache.org>

On Mon, 27 Jan 2014, Rich Bowen wrote:
> With 5 days left in the CFP for ApacheCon, we have 50 papers submitted. I 
> know that we usually get as much as half of the submissions in the last 48 
> hours, but we're still well under where I hoped to be at this point. Even 
> more worrying, the overwhelming majority of the submissions are from the 
> Usual Suspects (ie, httpd and tomcat).

For those of you who've volunteered to help review talks, despite the
lack of email notification, you probably have your reviewer account if
you've emailed in your details. You can use that to see what talks
have been proposed, and more importantly, what talks / speakers you'd
expect to see that are missing!

If you look through, and see a gap where you know someone who could
fill it, please get in touch and encourage them to submit. The CFP
doesn't have much info for new speakers in it, but other conferences
do and you can probably pinch their materials to help people
understand what they'd be agreeing to, and why it's actually not that
bad. With a friendly prod, you can hopefully get a few more existing
speakers to submit, and some new people to through their hat into the
ring for the first time!


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