Based on your comments in the JIRA you are all set now right Matt?

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 4:06 PM, Matt Merrill <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We are having issues rendering gadgets on Locked Domains which have
> uppercase letters in gadget spec URL.
> As best I can tell, this is related to the following issue:
> It's marked as resolved in 2.5.0-beta6.  I upgraded to that version and got
> the same issue, and am now trying 2.5.0-update1 and am still seeing the
> issue.
> This is an example of what I'm getting this in the iframe:
> "Invalid domain for host (
> and gadget (
> I've pasted some relevant configurations below, but is there some other
> setting I might be missing or is this indeed still an issue that needs to
> be resolved?
> I am going to try to start overriding the HashLockedDomainService to get
> around this, but I'd obviously rather not have to do that.
> Thanks for any help!
> -Matt Merrill
> Portion of application properties:
> # If enabled here, configuration values can be found in container
> configuration files.
> shindig.locked-domain.enabled=true
> # Enable or disable referrer check.
> shindig.locked-domain.refererCheck.enabled=false
> Portion of container.js configuration:
> "gadgets.iframeBaseUri" : "/gmodules/gadgets/ifr",
> "gadgets.uri.iframe.basePath" : "/gmodules/gadgets/ifr",
> "gadgets.jsUriTemplate" : "http://
> ${Cur['gadgets.uri.iframe.unlockedDomain']}/gmodules/gadgets/js/%js%",
> "default.domain.locked.client" : "",
> "default.domain.locked.server" : "",
> "default.domain.unlocked.client" : "",
> "default.domain.unlocked.server" : "",
> "gadgets.uri.iframe.lockedDomainRequired" : true,
> "gadgets.uri.iframe.lockedDomainSuffix" :  "",
> "gadgets.uri.iframe.unlockedDomain" : "",
> "gadgets.uri.iframe.basePath" : "/gmodules/gadgets/ifr",
> "" : "//${Cur['gadgets.uri.iframe.unlockedDomain']}",
> "gadgets.uri.js.path" : "/gmodules/gadgets/js",
> "gadgets.uri.oauth.callbackTemplate" :
> "//%host%/gmodules/gadgets/oauthcallback",
> "gadgets.osDataUri" : "http://%host%/gmodules/rpc";,
> "gadgets.securityTokenType" : "secure",
> "gadgets.securityTokenKey" : "file:///OBSCURED.txt",
> "defaultShindigTestHost": "<>
> ",
> "defaultShindigProxyConcatAuthority": "",
> "" : "${Cur['gadgets.uri.iframe.unlockedDomain']}",
> "gadgets.uri.concat.path" : "/gmodules/gadgets/concat",
> "gadgets.uri.concat.js.splitToken" : "false",
> "" : "${Cur['gadgets.uri.iframe.unlockedDomain']}",
> "gadgets.uri.proxy.path" : "/gmodules/gadgets/proxy",

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