Hi guys,

After many brainstorming with JB and make some tests on the integration
of Shiro in OSGi and especially with Karaf, I noticed that we have some
classloader issues that we have to deal with.

A good example is the SecurityUtils class that is a singleton and if we
want to configure multiple SecurityManager, we can't do that as is.

We have one singleton per classloader and if we install the shiro-core
feature, the configuration is the same for all the services.

So it would be great if we can choose how to configure the security manager:

- on each services (with one configuration file per service and
declaring shiro bundles as private package)

- global to the runtime (with only one configuration file and installing
shiro features)

Another things is the instanciation of the class that is defined in the
shiro.ini and the usage of the ReflectionBuilder with Apache Commons

We have some classNotFound issues that is related to the classloader
design of OSGi. We can also deal with some private package to fix that.

We have some tutorials and we could add them to the Shiro website :)




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