Le 20/02/2018 à 17:58, HRUDA Steve a écrit :

> Okay, the second is the case:
>   * Maybe EPSG::8241 was defined before, but evolution of SIS causes
>     SIS 0.8 to follow this specification while SIS 0.7 ignored it.
> org.opengis.util.NoSuchIdentifierException: No operation method found
> for name or identifier “Madrid to ED50 polynomial”.

So in conclusion, the new failure is an accidental side-effect of
improvements in the use of EPSG geodetic dataset by Apache SIS. There is
two possible fixes:

 1. When an operation method is not implemented in SIS, ignore it like
    SIS 0.7 did and declare an accuracy of 3 km (this is an arbitrary
    value based on the worst case scenario I have seen so far).
 2. Do not change current behaviour (i.e. continue to try to follow
    strictly EPSG path) and finish implementations of coordinate
    operation methods listed at
    https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SIS-212 (with addition of
    “Madrid to ED50 polynomial” to this list if not already there).

I would prefer option 2, but it may take some time and I do not know how
important are the operations that currently fail?


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