This project sounds interesting, I'd like to be part of this "virtual" team


GitHub @kezhenxu94
Apache SkyWalking, Apache Dubbo

At 2019-10-31 14:01:44, "Sheng Wu" <> wrote:
>SkyWalking is forwarding to be a stable status, feature enhancement and bug
>fix are becoming the 1st priority. CLI is becoming an important and
>critical requirement. Today, GraphQL interface provides a good network
>interface. UI provides a good browser interface. But for SkyWalking runtime
>operation team, CLI is much more friendly than UI or GraphQL.
>Here is my proposal
>CLI is recommended written in go, which is more friendly on multiple
>platforms, having a mini VM, a lot of people using go already.
>CLI could use GraphQL APIs as backend API directly, by using that, we just
>need an interface translation, provide a more friendly interface through
>command, and also doesn't require too much work.
>I could lead on the design, I am asking the volunteer to take part in the
>design, review and code contributions. I hope this could be delivered at
>the end of Nov. with 6.6 release.
>Anyone could lead the develop or take part in the development please let me
>know, we could work as a team on the new project, "skywalking-cli", first
>repo of SkyWalking in go, and this team will do release independently.
>Sheng Wu 吴晟
>Apache SkyWalking
>Apache Incubator
>Apache ShardingSphere, ECharts, DolphinScheduler podlings
>Twitter, wusheng1108

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