Hi Zhenxu,

It is mostly good to me. But I don’t understand how to intercept multi-methods 
in the New API. I think the new api to support to intercept multi-methods when 
use `.interceptMethod()` after `.with()`. It is very like ByteBuddy API style. 
But I prefer the following. 

public InstanceMethodsInterceptPoint[] getInstanceMethodsInterceptPoints() {
.and(takesArgumentWithType(0, "javax.jms.Destination"))
.and(takesArgumentWithType(1, "javax.jms.Message")))

Apache SkyWalking

> 在 2020年5月16日,下午6:04,kezhenxu94@apache <kezhenx...@apache.org> 写道:
> Hi the SkyWalking Community
> I’m writing to propose some changes in the Java agent instrumentation APIs, 
> nowadays, we’re using anonymous inner classes (AIC) as follows:
> ```java
> public ConstructorInterceptPoint[] getConstructorsInterceptPoints() {
>    return new ConstructorInterceptPoint[] {
>        new ConstructorInterceptPoint() {
>            @Override
>            public ElementMatcher<MethodDescription> getConstructorMatcher() {
>                return any();
>            }
>            @Override
>            public String getConstructorInterceptor() {
>                return 
> "org.apache.skywalking.apm.plugin.elasticsearch.v5.GenericActionConstructorInterceptor";
>            }
>        }
>    };
> }
> ```
> There’re some disadvantages with AIC:
> 1. Every AIC (`new ConstructorInterceptPoint()`) in every plugin definition 
> is a completely unique class, as they are compiled into something like 
> `ActiveMQConsumerInstrumentation$1.class` and 
> `ActiveMQConsumerInstrumentation$2.class`, and thus loading them requires 
> more metaspace, small though.
> 2. The API is somewhat verbose, and exposes too many concepts, like 
> `ConstructorsInterceptPoint`, `StaticMethodsInterceptPoint`, 
> `InstanceMethodsInterceptPoint`, we can have a unified API to provide all of 
> these.
> Hereby I propose the new APIs, which eliminates the unnecessary classes, and 
> should be more semantic, like this:
> ```java
> public ConstructorInterceptPoint[] getConstructorsInterceptPoints() {
>    return Intercept.constructor(takesArgumentWithType(0, 
>                    .with(CONSTRUCTOR_INTERCEPTOR_CLASS)
>                    .build();
> }
> public InstanceMethodsInterceptPoint[] getInstanceMethodsInterceptPoints() {
>    return Intercept.instanceMethod(named(ENHANCE_METHOD)
>                                        .and(takesArgumentWithType(0, 
> "javax.jms.Destination"))
>                                        .and(takesArgumentWithType(1, 
> "javax.jms.Message")))
>                    .with(INTERCEPTOR_CLASS)
>                    .build();
> }
> public StaticMethodsInterceptPoint[] getStaticMethodsInterceptPoints() {
>    return Intercept.staticMethod(named("makeWrapper"))
> .with("org.apache.skywalking.apm.plugin.dubbo.patch.MakeWrapperInterceptor")
>                    .build();
> }
> ```
> We could keep the old APIs there and mark them as deprecated for 
> compatibility, or simply replace them with the new APIs, what do you think?
> If there is no objection from the community, I can open an issue to track 
> this.
> GitHub @kezhenxu94
> Apache SkyWalking, Apache Dubbo

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