Thank you for expressing your interest in participating in Google Summer of
Code (GSoC) 2023 and contributing to the SkyWalking BanyanDB project. We
appreciate your enthusiasm and the skills you bring to the table.

It is great to hear that Yihao Chen recommended this project to you. Your
strong background in database systems and query optimization makes you a
promising candidate for the project.

We appreciate your motivation and commitment to the project. In order to
move forward with your application, we encourage you to submit a proposal
detailing your plans to achieve the project's objectives. You can find more
information on how to submit a proposal on the GSoC website.

Additionally, we recommend that you reach out to Lujiajing, who is working
on the query engine, for more detailed guidance on the project.

Thank you once again for your interest in the SkyWalking BanyanDB project,
and we wish you the best of luck with your application.

Best regards,

Hongtao Gao

On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 02:49 Rahul Raj <> wrote:

> Dear Mentors,
> I am writing to express my strong interest in participating in Google
> Summer of Code (GSoC) 2023 and contributing to the SkyWalking BanyanDB
> project: Background. Yihao Chen, a current Mentor to this
> ecosystem(SkyWalking), suggested that I try this project as I am
> approaching late to the mentors, and I am excited to explore the
> opportunity.
> After going through the project description and objectives, I believe that
> I can make a valuable contribution to the project. As a computer science
> student with a strong background in database systems and query
> optimization, I am confident in my ability to fully unify/merge the query
> planner and executor for Measure and TopN, which is one of the project's
> objectives.
> I understand that the deadline for the GSoC application is approaching,
> and I apologize for the late submission. However, I am highly motivated and
> committed to working on this project, and believe that my skills and
> experience align well with the requirements.
> In the past, I have participated in contests and contributed, which has
> given me experience in working in a collaborative environment and using
> version control systems such as Git. Furthermore, my experience working
> with similar technologies, such as Elasticsearch and MongoDB, will be
> beneficial in contributing to this project.
> I am eager to learn more about how I can contribute to the SkyWalking
> BanyanDB project and look forward to hearing back from you. Please let me
> know if there are any specific skills or areas of expertise that you are
> looking for in potential GSoC participants.
> What to do next to successfully apply to this project. I know I am
> approaching you late for this project, But I can definitely say, I will be
> a better option for this project. Can I submit a proposal for this project?
> Thank you for your time and consideration.
> Sincerely,
> Rahul Raj

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