Hi SkyWalking community

This is an important mail, we are trying to open a new official process

# SWIP - SkyWalking Improvement Proposal

SWIP - SkyWalking Improvement Proposal, is an official document to
propose a new feature and/or feature improvement,
are relative to end users and developers.

SkyWalking has been very stable since v9.x. We are getting over the
rapid changing stage. The core concepts, protocols for
reporting telemetry and query, 3rd party integration, and the
streaming process kernel are very stable. From now(2024) on,
SkyWalking community would focus more on improvement and controllable
improvement. All major changes should be evaluated
more seriously, and try as good as possible to avoid incompatible
breaking changes.

Please comment on the PR if you have any questions.


Sheng Wu 吴晟
Twitter, wusheng1108

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