At 07:32 PM 2/16/2007, Sebastien Pennec wrote:
>Hello all,
>I've just committed some changes about the LoggerFactory class.
>Now, the api module contains the LoggerFactory class, it is not present in 
>the other
>modules anymore. It also contains a dummy StaticLoggerBinder 
>implementation to make
>sure it compiles nicely.
>This dummy class is removed right after the compilation process 
>phase) so that it does not interfere with other module's 
>StaticLoggerBinder when
>running the tests.
>I've also moved the BasicMarker, BasicMarkerFactory, MarkerIgnoringBase,
>MessageFormatter and Util classes to a org.slf4j.helpers package. The package
>org.slf4j.impl is not used by the api anymore.
>Cheers :)

Neat. Thank you.

>Sébastien Pennec

Ceki Gülcü
Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java.

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