
I'm quite interested in this, but not only for entering and exiting but 
eventually for other logging as well.  However,  I wouldn't want it in 
all classes. I'd prefer to see additional configuration to define which 
classes should be instrumented.

Also, once the logging is injected would it be able to be removed?

In other words, eventually I'd like to see enabling and disabling of 
logging (i.e. the equivalent of configuring Loggers) done via AOP.

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen wrote:
> Ralph Goers skrev:
>> Can you describe how this is intended to work? Does this inject logging 
>> at runtime or build time?
> Naturally. 
> It will inject logging statements at runtime (specifically class load 
> time) in all classes (which I am reconsidering) except some which are 
> blacklisted. 
> These log statements are placed at the entering and exiting of each 
> method and logs the parameters and the return value.
> It is not intended to grow to a full aspect environment - just a poor 
> mans "give me something I can see!".
> You use it by setting up a java agent.
> When I have something which can be used by others I will write usage 
> documentation :)
> /Thorbjørn
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