Hello all,

Thorbjørn has observed that slf4j test spewed a lot of garbage on the console. 
just modified the various tests so that the unit test are silent. This has been 
done by

- In slf4j-jdk14, setting the level of the root logger to OFF
- In jcl-over-slf4j, replacing slf4j-simple by slf4j-nop
- In slf4j-jcl, setting the level of the root logger to OFF (in JDK4 logging)
- In slf4j-simple, while the tests run, replace System.err by a PrintStream 
which gobbles all data sent to it. When the test finishes, the original 
System.err is restored.


Ceki Gülcü
Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java.
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