On 1/26/10 10:05 AM, Felix Meschberger wrote:

On 26.01.2010 15:45, Justin Edelson wrote:
On 1/26/10 4:14 AM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Felix Meschberger wrote:


On 25.01.2010 20:43, Justin Edelson wrote:

I've just committed an implementation of SLING-1303, which allows
bundles to dynamically add new values to the Bindings object used with
scripting. I think it's working nicely, except for the JSP integration.
IIRC, you can't dynamically add scripting variables - the TagExtraInfo
class is invoked at compile time, not runtime.

Assuming this is the case (and I'm the first to admit my JSP API skills
are weak),

I can assure you that you are not alone -- I am sitting in that very
same boat with you ;-)

Then we are already three....

Well, the three of us and Bertrand are the only people who have
committed to bundles/scripting/jsp or bundles/scripting/jsp-taglib, so
this doesn't bode well :)
I agree with you, that whis would be a really good thing --
unfortunately, I also have not found the ideal solution until now. There
are few workaround approaches, I can see right now:

(1) Provide the sling variable as part of the<sling:defineObjects>   tag
and then you can access the properties using EL:


Hmmm. I may be missing something, but sling is an instance of
SlingScriptHelper.... I guess I could make ScriptHelper also implement a
Map backed by the Bindings object. Off to find a JSP book in my basement...
My bad - sorry for the confusion. I confused the two classes. I wanted
to talk about the Bindings but used the SlingScriptHelper called "sling".

For real scripting languages (like Groovy, ECMAScript, etc.) these
bindings are just mapped into the global namespace and thus there is no
need for a bingings variable.

For JSP there is no such thing (AFAICT). So I would assume we just
provide the bindings under a "good" name using<sling:defineObjects>,
e.g. bindings (better names welcome).

Ah. This makes more sense. I'll give it a shot.
The we could have


(if that works with EL, I hope so....)


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