In my current project we use Camel (via ServiceMix) to handle all of our
integration with our other applications.  The application I'm personally
working on uses Sling/JCR to store most of its content, but a large amount
of other stuff it uses is held in data stores in these other applications.

Currently, I'm creating servlets for every external application operation I
want to expose, then manually invoking Camel to fetch/push data across the
ESB.  Lately, I've been thinking of creating a ResourceProvider to expose
all my camel endpoints as Resources, which would mesh a lot more cleanly
with Sling.

Looking at the Sling source, I can see the ResourceResolver for JCR;
ResourceProviderFactories for Servlets; and ResourceProviders for each of
the filesystem, servlets, bundles, users, and the JCR.  My question is, what
parts do I need to implement myself to have integration with ServiceMix as
transparent as the other types of resources?


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