Hi Federico,

Thanks for your report.

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 8:23 PM, Federico Paparoni
<federico.papar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ..Progress*:..

I'll look at your code tomorrow, will comment here.

> ...*Perspectives*: When I will close the examples related to scheduler and
> SlingPostOperation (shortly) I don't know what I can do. I would like to
> show in David others interesting features of Sling, so I ask you also to
> suggest or simply open JIRA issues related to...

The GSoC timeline suggests stopping development next Monday, and
spending next week on documentation etc.

I think that would be a good thing for your project. I can do a review
tomorrow and suggest refactorings that might help make things more
obvious, if needed. After that I'd suggest that you also review your
code and comment or improve it where needed, so that it can fulfill
its educational goals.

How about writing docs withing your CMS, and loading them as initial
content where it starts? This would allow you to point directly to
your source code in your docs, to help people understand how the
things works.

I don't think you need tons of docs, it's mostly an overview of the
use cases that points to the code that implements them. The audience
of Sling is programmers, so no need to water down things IMHO.

I'll do my final mentor evaluation of your GSoC work in a week from
now, August 12th or 13th, so make sure everything looks good by then!
And please attach the complete code as a patch to SLING-1438 by that
time, checking the "allow the ASF to use that code" box if you agree,
so that we can integrate it in Sling.

Back tomorrow once I have reviewed the current code.


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