I know I *just* submitted this issue, but I'd really like to get it closed
so we can release the auth bundles soon.

Basically, the form path on the authentication form is screwed up if you run
Sling on a non-root servlet context. To try this go to
/launchpad/testing-war and run:

mvn -PwarIntegrationTestsInNonRootContext jetty:run

Then open a browser and go to
http://localhost:8080/org.apache.sling.launchpad.testing-war-6-SNAPSHOT/ and
click Login. The resulting form submits to

I put the reason for this in the description of SLING-1940.

As described there, there are two possible fixes:
1) Don't include the servlet context in the resource query param
2) Don't include the servlet context in the ${requestContextPath}
replacement variable in the form

FWIW, both are relatively minor code changes (2 lines for #1, 1 line for



P.S. Once this is fixed, all the integration tests will pass when run on a
non-root servlet context. Which is great, IMHO.

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