
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@adobe.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> We currently add a whole bunch of Java Extension APIs in the javax.*
> arena to the export list of the system bundle by virtue of actually
> providing in the framework, what is provided in the JDK.
> While we (at Adobe) are now confronted with real-life use of such API
> (javax.xml, etc.) we run in to a number of issues, like class loading
> but also incompleteness of the API packages provided by the platform.
> I am thus considering the following as a potential idea:
>  * We remove the extension API (mostly around XML and DOM stuff)
>    from the sling.properties file and thus do not by default
>    provide it in the framework any longer
>  * As a replacement we create a system extension fragment bundle
>    which re-adds these packages
>  * For more demanding applications the fragment bundle can be
>    replaced with a bundle containing and exporting the full API
>    packages -- thus effectively hiding what is provided by platform.
> WDYT ?
> Regards
> Felix

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