Hi Justin,

On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Justin Edelson
<jus...@justinedelson.com> wrote:
> all say that this tests that the referenced accounts are "disabled" in
> a production system.
> But AFAICT, this isn't actually the case. This test checks that a set
> of credentials doesn't work. The test could fail because the account
> is disabled OR because the password is incorrect - this check doesn't
> differentiate cause....

You are correct, of course, the DefaultLoginsHealthCheck only checks
that a login fails with specific credentials. Said credentials
shouldn't be precious as they are not encrypted in the config.

> I'm happy to correct this, but could someone let me know the true
> intention?...

A typical use case is to verify that the admin:admin login fails on a
production system.

Feel free to rephrase the javadocs and metatype info to better express
what this does, thanks!


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