
at the adaptTo() conference I had the impression that the Apache Sling community might be interested in the contribution of the Sling JCRBrowser [1,2] to Apache Sling. The Sling JCRBrowser is an editor for Sling resources that is build on top of the Apache Sling API. I will work on that in any case in the months to come according to the roadmap I pointed out in my talk [3]. If there is interest in the contribution I would change the namespace to Apache Sling. I would also take the opportunity to rename the Sling JCRBrowser to Sedi the Sling Editor. This changes would take place at GitHub prior submitting the code to a Jira issue. In case the contribution is accepted I will continue to work on the tool at GitHub and send SVN patches as Jira tickets to Sling. Of course I would be proud to directly develop for it as a Sling committer if the Sling community decides that this is appropriate. As I said in my talk [3] I might add some commercial add ons to the Sling JCRBrowser / Sedi later on to be downloaded separately. This is why it is important to be able to point users to such a website from Sling. But judging from other Apache projects [4] I assume this is probably not a problem.
I'm looking forward to your feedback!

[1] - https://github.com/sandroboehme/jcrbrowser
[2] - http://www.jcrbrowser.org/sling/website/
[3] - http://adapt.to/content/dam/adaptto/production/presentations/2014/adaptTo2014-The-Sling-JCRBrowser-Sandro-Boehme.pdf/_jcr_content/renditions/original.media_file.download_attachment.file/adaptTo2014-The-Sling-JCRBrowser-Sandro-Boehme.pdf
[4] - https://www.google.de/search?q=site%3Aapache.org+commercial



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