I have used Yammer Metrics upstream with Sling and found it useful,
allowing me to run tests and get very low level detailed stats at
minimal effort. Yammer Metrics was wrapped in a similar but less
extensible way. I used the json feed since I was able to automate
collection and graphing. Instrumenting the code was relatively quick
and easy. We did some application code and a customised version of
MongoMK. The JMX integration is easy to use, although I didnt use it
to collect stats as there were too many. I have used the Ganglia
integration which works OOTB with 1 or 2 glue classes. The data out
reported times well below the ms range and I didn't notice any
overhead with a few 100 probes. There are some talks from the creators
of Yammer Metrics that report using 1000s of probes in production
code, so I guess that is its intended use.

Two observations:

Having this in Sling should really help Sling instrument, but (imho)
it would also be really useful to have this type of metrics inside Oak
and Jackrabbit, otherwise we will find ourselves forking Oak and JR
releases to get below those APIs. (in my case, we had no option).
Would this be possible ?

Having a working implementation of the SPI based on Yammer Metrics
would make it useful. Without that it allows Sling to instrument, but
not to really gather knowledge on how Sling performs in the wild.

best regards

(short version, +1)

On 21 October 2014 10:49, Amit.. Gupta. <amitg...@adobe.com> wrote:
> Hi Devs,
> I would like to add API to capture application-level metrics. The api is 
> inspired by Yammer Metrics [0]. A first cut implementation is available at [1]
> Idea is to provide high level constructs such as Timer, Counter, Gauge, which 
> can be used by applications. This RTC is only for api, plan is to also 
> provide a metrics based implementation as well.
> Driver for this api, is to provide easy to use first class constructs that 
> can be quickly integrated into new and existing application.
> Metrics [0] one of the widely used implementation and provide some OOTB 
> integration with JMX and popular monitoring tools such as Ganglia, Graphite.
> Thanks,
> Amit
> [0] https://dropwizard.github.io/metrics/3.1.0/?
> [1] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/whiteboard/amitgupt/monitoring/
> [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-4080?

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